New issue of the Gender and Research journal on “Contested Borders: Transnational Migration and Gender“

Gender and research, volume 20, number 1/2019: Contested Borders: Transnational Migration and Gender, edited by Zuzana Uhde a Petra Ezzeddine

This thematic issue on ‘Contested Borders: Transnational Migration and Gender’ includes articles that exemplify the various analytical lenses through which it is possible to conceptualise borders in their material, economic, political, and symbolic meanings and with which analysis can be enriched, by considering gendered structures and constructions of vulnerabilities in the broader context of bordered spaces built on a colonial and postcolonial past and redesigned by global capitalism. Borders represent not only a geographical dividing line separating ‘us’ from ‘others’, but are also symbolic and cultural dividing lines that reinforce the hegemonic interpretation of acceptable/unacceptable practices or identities.

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