„Border control and the engineering of (re)displacement is a lucrative business“

The new podcast series Crossroads starts with an interview on migration, European policy of externalisation of border control, new surveillance technologies, and financial beneficiaries of border management.

Our first guest in the podcast series Crossroads is Professor Martin Lemberg-Pedersen is an associate professor at the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS) at the University of Copenhagen and a research fellow in the Horizon 2020 project “Advancing Alternative Migration Governance” (AdMiGov). In his research he focuses on geopolitical and political economic analyses of actors and networks involved in EU border management. In particular, he studies border control technologies, the dynamics of securitization and externalisation of border control and the influence of private industrial actors on EU migration policies and institutions involved in border control. His work combines different disciplinary perspective including political philosophy, sociology, critical geography, postcolonialism, security and border studies.

The podcast series is created in a collaboration with the Czech online newspaper Alarm. The series will host social scientists and discuss relevant topics and problems of our globalizing world and their different social, cultural, political economic and geopolitical aspects.

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